Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Teddy Bear Museum

Hi! Everyone. After I show you about the Teddy Bear history, next I will show you about the Teddy Bear Museum. If somebody watches Korea Series name's Princes Hours, you will know a little bit about the Teddy Bear Museum because I will show you about the Teddy Bear Museum at Korea. Here you can find every thing about Teddy Bears! The Teddy Bear Museum gallery is divided in three parts; it consists of the History Hall, the Art Hall and the Project Exhibition Hall. If you come, you will get to see some of the antique teddy bears in this museum. Apart of that you will see some of the popular models of Teddy Bears and it also a part of the History Hall. In Art Hall, you will see the smallest of the Teddy bear .It's size is 4.5mm. in lengh.But that's not all, the Teddy Bear Museum also has the other parts for example it has a bar, has s gift shop. Finally I think people around the world that collect or love the Teddy Bears want to pay a visit to this place.

History of Teddy Bear

I am interested about Teddy Bear but I don't know anything about the Teddy Bear history. So, I search about the story of Teddy Bear in website Google and it makes I know the information about the Teddy Bear. After I read it finishes, I want to share it to you. So, the name of the Teddy Bear comes from former United States President Theodore Roosevelt whose nickname is Teddy. In November 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt was helping settle a border dispute between Missisippi and Louisaina. During his spare time in Mississippi, he attended to hunt a bear. Roosevelt was invited by Governor Andrew H.Longino. Hunting was so poor that someone could capture a baby bear and he invited President Theodore Roosevelt to kill a bear but Roosevelt refused to do it. Then, it came to be a big topic that Clifford Barrymore drawn a political cartoon picture name's Drawing the line in Mississippi in The Washington Post on November 16,1902.

Drawing the line in Missisippi dy Clifford Barrymore
This cartoon is believed to have triggered the teddy
bear cazein the U.S.