Monday, August 16, 2010
Detective Conan


Japanese Robotics


I think it is easy to play the Tamagotchi, and it is very fun game. First, you need to removing the tag of a Tamagotchi unit, and egg will appear on the screen. Then you need to choose the gender and give the name of your pet. You need to take care your pet begining at a baby. You must feed them or playing game that make you Tamagotchi has happy and healthy. If you take care your Tamagotchi very well, your pet will evolve through vary stages from the baby, child, teeneger, adult and senior.
Credit : Click here
Viewing Sakura

Mount Fujiyama

Japan watching China's military closely

Credit : Click here


Monday, August 2, 2010
Economy: Toyota's Japan sales

Tokyo Sushi Academy

The University of Tokyo

The history of the University of Tokyo or Todai university was very interesting. It was established in 1877. In the past, Todai university was renamed '' The Imperial university" and was changed into '' Tokyo Imperial university'' in 1887. In 1947, after Japan defeated in the World War II, it was changed into the original name. In 1949, it became to the Todai university with start of the new system. Now, Todai university was opened for 133 years.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Narita International Airport

Transport in Japan by trains

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Credit : Click here
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Credit : click here
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Burj Khalifa

Click Here
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
One year anniversary of Panda

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Nobel prizes

Click here
Dream World

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Gossip Girl

Character of the main perfomer ;
Blair Waldorf -She is the beautiful girl that has the brown hair and brilliant blue eyes. She is the person that uses money, her charm and social status to get the every thing she wants and she wants to continue her study in the Yale University.

Serena van der Woodsen-She is the best friend of Blair. She is a perfect girl that has slim shap,beautiful and she use to be the modeling before.Throughout the series Serena longs for true romance
Rubik's cube

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Katy Perry

This is the name of her song that I like:
-Hot N Cold
-Thinking of you
-If we ever meet again
click here

This is pisture of the statue of Hachiko in Shibuya
click here
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Teddy Bear Museum

Hi! Everyone. After I show you about the Teddy Bear history, next I will show you about the Teddy Bear Museum. If somebody watches Korea Series name's Princes Hours, you will know a little bit about the Teddy Bear Museum because I will show you about the Teddy Bear Museum at Korea. Here you can find every thing about Teddy Bears! The Teddy Bear Museum gallery is divided in three parts; it consists of the History Hall, the Art Hall and the Project Exhibition Hall. If you come, you will get to see some of the antique teddy bears in this museum. Apart of that you will see some of the popular models of Teddy Bears and it also a part of the History Hall. In Art Hall, you will see the smallest of the Teddy bear .It's size is 4.5mm. in lengh.But that's not all, the Teddy Bear Museum also has the other parts for example it has a bar, has s gift shop. Finally I think people around the world that collect or love the Teddy Bears want to pay a visit to this place.

History of Teddy Bear

Drawing the line in Missisippi dy Clifford Barrymore
This cartoon is believed to have triggered the teddy
bear cazein the U.S.