Monday, August 16, 2010

Detective Conan

Detective Conan is the popular and famous cartoon not only in Japan but around the world. Many people around the world come to be a fan of this cartoon series. It was written and illustrated since 1994 by Gosho Aoyama. It is a long cartoon series. After the Detective Conan comic books are very popular, it is created in the cartoon animation. In the year 2006 and 2007, writer celebrated 10 anniversary of Detective Conan by created it into a movie. There are two section of the movie. I think Detective Conan is the fun cartoon. I really love to read or watch it.

Detective Conan is a story about a high school boy, Kudo Shiniji, who want to be a detective like his father. He always works with the police. One day, he went to the Tropical Land with his childhood friend, Mori Run, and he was attacked by two members of mysterious crime syndicate. They gave the poison to him but he doesn't die. The effect of the poison made his body changed from 17 years old to 7 years old. Shiniji tried to find the way to rescue so he changed his name to Edogawa Conan and lived with Mori Run.


I think many people well know this comic book or this movie. Some people maybe read it or some people maybe watch it. Nana is the famous japanese comic book. Nowadays, Nana is created on a film and cartoon animation. Nana was written by Ai Yazawa. It is the story of the two girls that have the same name, but they have a different characters, Nana Osaki and Nana Komutsu. Nana Komutsu is a girl that comes from the small town and follows her friends and her boyfriend to Tokyo. Nana Osaki is a girl that comes to Tokyo because she wants to debut with her band. She is a punk singer in Black Stones band. The story of two girls begins at they meet each other on the train by chance on the way go to Tokyo. After that, they decide to live together in an apartment numbered 707 in the seven floors. This story shows you about the friendship between friends, the dream of the performer and romance love.

For me, I never read this comic book but I watched the movie. I think it is a great story. I like the character of Nana Osaki because I think she is a kind person, and she always help her friends.

Japanese Robotics

Nowadays, tecnology is developed more than in the past. Japan is the one country that has the high tecnology in the world. In this paragraph, I am going to tell you about a humanoid robot, Asimo. Asimo is a humanoid robot that was created by Honda Industry in 1986. Asimo has a shape look like a astronaut and has a size look like a child. It has 130 centimeters height and weighing 54 kilograms. Asimo is the robot that can standing by two feet and can walik or run. It can work by using battery. The name 'Asimo' come from the full name ' Advanced Step in Innovative MObility'. After Honda Industry can manufacture Asimo, they tried to develope a new robot which has a size, shape and face same as a human. Nowadays, Japan can create the robot which look like a human. It's name is cybernetic human. Cybernetic human is the robot that look like a average Japanese woman. It can walk, talk and smile. It was created to be a model on a catwalk show. Even if it still hasn't work replace to the human, it is a good step of Japan for creating the robot that look like human.


Some people maybe knows this toy very well because it is very popular toy in the past. Tamagotchi is the name of this toy. When I was study in grade 5 or grade 6, I remembred that this toys were very popular. Everyone has their own Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi is a handheld digital pet that was created by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ Co. Ltd, and Aki Maita of Bandai Co. Ltd. in Japan. It was sold at the first time in 1996 in Japan. Most of Tamagotchi has a same form like a small egg shaped computer and has three interfaces at the bottom. The name Tamagotchi comes from the Japanese word 'tamago' which means 'egg' and the English word 'watch'. Two words were mixed together to be the word 'Tamagotchi' .

How to play the Tamagotchi ?

I think it is easy to play the Tamagotchi, and it is very fun game. First, you need to removing the tag of a Tamagotchi unit, and egg will appear on the screen. Then you need to choose the gender and give the name of your pet. You need to take care your pet begining at a baby. You must feed them or playing game that make you Tamagotchi has happy and healthy. If you take care your Tamagotchi very well, your pet will evolve through vary stages from the baby, child, teeneger, adult and senior.

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Viewing Sakura

In the spring, if you go to Japan, you will see cherry blossoms around every part of Japan. Cherry trees or well know in the Japanese name 'Sakura' can grow in many part of Asia such as Japan, Korea, China etc. Many people almost like sakura in Japan because sakura that grow in Japan has a good smell than another countries. Japanese people plant many sakura trees in many parks because sakura is the one symbol of Japan. When the spring came, sakura will blossom. Viewing of sakura blossoms is very beautiful. In Japan, they have a sakura viewing festival that call ' Hanami ' in Japanese word. Hanami festival is the one traditional of Japan. In the hanami festival, Japanese people will prepare food for going out to the park near their home for celebreting this festival. People will go out with their family or their friends, and they will picnic together under the sakura trees. In the hanami festival, people has fun for drinking, eating and singing during the day or night. In my opinion, I want to go to joy hanami festival because I think hanami festival is an interesting. I am really love sakura blossom because I think it is very beautiful and amazing. In Thailand, it never has sakura trees because the weather isn't suitable for growing.
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Mount Fujiyama

Fujiyama or Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in the Japan. It has height 3,776 meters. In the past, Mount Fuji used to be volcano mountain but nowadays Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano mountain. Mount Fuji recently erupted in 1708. It is located on Honshu, the largest island of the Jpanese islands. In the clear days, you can see Mount Fuji from Tokyo and from Yahohama. For Japanese people, Mount Fuji is a sanctuary place, and women don't have right to go upstair the Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is a national symbol of Japan, and it is a trainning place of the samuri in the past. Surrounding areas of Mount Fuji have a big lagoon, a park, a place for bathing and beautiful views. Japanese people believe that they need to go to Mount Fuji once in their life to pray the holy on top of the Mount Fuji. Japanese people almost take two days to climb Mount Fuji. En route the way to climb the Mount Fuji, it has a place for resting, telephone and mailbox. Surrounding areas of Mount Fuji has five lagoons, but Hokone lagoon is the famous lagoon that most of tourist like to visit because there are many activities that are very interesting at Hakone lagoon such as sittting the boat to across the lake, sitting the tramp etc.
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Japan watching China's military closely

Nowadays, China is the country that has a powerful of military and economy. Countries around the world always watch closely their eyes to China. I read this news from internet that Japan said on Tuesday that they will keep a close eyes on China's military. China has amount of people highest in the world, and they have the most soldiers in the world. It makes another countries feel frightened of China's military. United States reports that China's rising military is changing East Asia's military balance. After United States reports, Japan said that Japan will keep paying attention to China's military trend as it will have a significant impact on security in the region, including Japan. In April, Tokyo protested after a Chinese naval helicopter made a close flying by of one of its destroyers on the high seas off a southern Japanese island chain during exercises Japan considered provocative. In the same month, the similar incedent happened agian near the Okinawa islands. In my opinion, I think China will be a powerful country in the future because they have a strong military and weapon. I think Japan does a right thing that they are watching thier eyes to China's military because Japan is near to China.

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